Worship Service: Sunday at 10:00 am - Now with “Kid’s Church!”*

* “Kid’s Church” is provided on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month.

A link to the Live Stream channel on YouTube is: Living Savior Live Stream

Family Bible Time: Sunday mornings at 11:15 am


Welcome to Living Savior!

We’re located in the South Hills of Missoula serving Christians as far north as Kalispell and south to Hamilton, and we’ve been serving western Montana with God’s Word since 1977. In the Bible, God tells us that in his Son, Jesus Christ, we have the promise of eternal life with him in heaven. At Living Savior, we’re dedicated to celebrating and sharing that promise - the promise of our Living Savior! If you’d like to watch any of our services, click here. Please feel free to contact us if we can serve you in any way!


What is WELS?

Living Savior is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). WELS is the third largest Lutheran church body in America and was formed by a group of Lutherans who settled in southern Wisconsin in the late 1800s. To learn more, feel free to contact us or check out the WELS website by clicking the logo on the right.

Jesus said, “Because I live, you also will live.”
— John 14:19